A brief visitor
A brief visitor comes to visit for a while,
White love in their heart,
With minds of gold,
With paws of golden,
With eyes of purity,
With affection to show,
With affection to receive,
just to remind us of what is important for a while
Nourish, care, love, empathy, acceptance and all those things
To understand the perfection in the imperfect,
To understand the pure unconditional love,
To accept what is as is,
To trust in divinity,
To love, to hold, to cherish,
Brief moments of life
Written by homestylist.blogg.se (homestylisten.wordpress.com).

Copyright of film, art, photo and poem(text) belongs to Homestylist, homestylist.blogg.se (homestylisten.wordpress.com). You have no rights to copy, quote parts och complete poem, art, film or photo. You are free to watch and read here on my chosen media. You are free to link to this website. Thanks.SE- and EU-law is applicable when you enter this site.
Upphovsrätten för film, bild, foto och dikt(text) tillhör Homestylist, homestylist.blogg.se (homestylisten.wordpress.com). Du har inga rättigheter att kopiera bilder, text, dikt, film eller annat innehåll på min sida. Du får fritt titta på mina valda medier och du får fritt länka till dina hemsida. Tack på förhand. På denna site gäller Svenska lag och EU-lag, oavsett var du befinner dig.
R.I.P little love, 9w1d