They sat there
All of them
Children with different colors of their eyes
One with brown eyes, one with black eyes, one with blue eyes, one with green eyes and one with yellow eyes
They where all siblings and they all had red hair
Mum had green eyes and dad had brown eyes
Mum had red hair and father had dirty blone hair
Grandmother had blue eyes and the other grandmother had yellow eyes
One grandmother had red hair and the other had blonde hair
Grandfather had black eyes and the other grandfather had brown eyes
One grandfather had black hair and the other grandfather had brown hair
There they sat, on a row, wating for food
They sat according to age
The youngest only zero years old, the next one year older and so forth, one year between each
They where a family with lot of children and different color of eyes
But still their mother and father loved them dearly
Nobody ever questioned if they all came from the same mother and father
They all had a tiny nose, wonderful full lips and that redish hair and freckles
Even though they all had unique eye colors
They all looked a like
Isn’t it strange that they all got the red hair, but different colors of eyes
Some might think
But what is really eye color all about
Does it matter
They are still a family
Even if each and everyone looked different
Had different noses and so forth
Genes can play tricks on us
And you never know when the trick is on you
Be true, don’t look at others just see the unique you
We are all ment to be the one we are
Set your spirit free from all those measurements you are put through
Love every bit of you
Be nice to your soul
Care for it
The soul carries the true you
Where ever you happen to go
Even if it is just for show
Be true, to the soul inside of you
Written by Homestylist. Don't copy, don't quote, don't borrow. Leave everything, every little piece of my poem here on my blog. Just read it here. You are free to link here.
Skriven av Homestylist. Kopiera inte, citera inte, låna inte. Lämna allt här, på min blogg, varje liten bit av dikten stannar här. Läs den bara här. Du får länka till inlägget. Copyright belongs to Homestylist. Upphovsrätten tillhör Homestylist.