This is the Poem "Chilling", written by the Homestylist,
Denna dikt heter "Chilling", dikten är på engelska och den är skriven av mig, Homestylisten,

waiting for the food to arrive,
looking at the plants,
in the Mediterranean restaurant,
feeling the warmth,
the stresslessness,
the culture,
the atmosphear,
chilling and relaxing,
just being in the moment,
no worries,
even though handicapped for the day,
crutches all the way,
no climbing uphills for me,
but chilling, relaxing, enjoying,
the hospitality of a new culture,
the laid back waiter,
the food to come,
relaxing and enjoying,
the sun brushing my face,
the wind gently touching my hair,
sunglasses on,
so I can chill and relax even more,
a luxurious way of life,
being able to travel,
a habit not for all,
must think of nature, green technology
and the world around the corner
but right here, right now, I just try to relax and enjoy, chilling out here in the sun
Copyright of film, art, photo and poem(text) belongs to Homestylist, ( You have no rights to copy, quote parts och complete poem, art, film or photo. You are free to watch and read here on my chosen media. You are free to link to this website. Thanks.
Upphovsrätten för film, bild, foto och dikt(text) tillhör Homestylist, ( Du har inga rättigheter att kopiera bilder, text, dikt, film eller annat innehåll på min sida. Du får fritt titta på mina valda medier och du får fritt länka till dina hemsida. Tack på förhand.
You are not allowed to copy, quote parts or the complete text or use images from this site. You may only read the poem here, on this site, ( The content is protected by Swedish copyright law. You are free to link to this page.