This is a poem in English named Digital World, written by me, Homestylist at Read here, don't copy or quote, thanks. You can link to this page.

The fake digital media,
original world,
a fake world, a unreal world, yet it lingers in your mind,
your fingers wanna take you there, your tools want to lure you in,
like a thief in the night,
the simple zero's and ones wanna attract you, communicate 2 you,
U let yourself be swapt away, into the elctronics of the Internet,
you swin in trojans, viruses, veneral disease, nakedness, porn, crime, abuse, trolling and all
the other things makind can think of, everything is there,
lingering around and around, just waiting 2 be found,
even God, the devil, even Allah, lingers in the particals in between,
that is what creats the unreal,
the Internet you cannot see, but it's there for you and me,
you just need to open your eyes, connect to the hive and then you'll see,
that the Internet linjers even to the divine,
maybe it's all fake, a world, build around technology,
putting everything into zero's and ones?
What if Internet, creats it's own beast,
that you and me cannot see, but linjers all around you and me,
we are like pray, good and bad, what choices do you make, did you just make a mistake,
what is there online that you so dearly want to see?
Are there secrets for you and me,
or is everything online for everyone to see? Perhaps there is no privacy, you see,
since the state watches you and me, don't you see?
Then we have the crackers,
that abuse and linjer around you and me, wanting to steal all the secrets,
that they can get, because they haven't gotten a life of their own,
so they consume us you see, they pray on people, people like you and me,
still wanna go online, like som drug addiction you seek yourself there,
wanting to share, watching who is and who isn't there?
Written by Homestylist. Copyright belongs to Homestylist, Don't copy. Don't quote. Don't use my poems in any way. Read them here only, for free. Respect my art. I want my art to stay here, on my own blogs. They are not yours. You only get bad karma if you don't respect me. Respect my artwork.
Upphovsrätten tillhör Homestylist. Du har inte rätt att citera eller använda delar av min dikt på något sätt. Läs här, på min blogg gratis. Respektera min konst. Min konst stannar här, på min blogg. Min konst är inte din. Du får bara dålig karma om du inte respekterar mina önskningar. Respektera min konst. Låt den stanna här, på min blogg.