Today was a beautiful day. The sun has been shining all day. The flowers haven't started to bloom yet, but I am waiting for my crocus to flower once more. They come up like faithful companions each spring. They spread over mine and my neigbours lawns. They are almost like weed, they grow where they are not supposed to, but I do not mind. However when I cut the grass they are gone once more. Crocuses in my garden are mostly purple and blue. They make my otherwise winter gloomy garden of rice look much nicer and somehow they brighten up my day. I am thankful for my flowers. I planted them many years ago and so did the one that lived here before me, so those come again and again.
Not everyone has a garden to enjoy, but most of us have a park or woods to enjoy. Parks are not free everywhere. I remember Paris, there it costs money to enter many parks. In Germany the woods are inaccessable and Swedish Allmansrätten is really special. That means that anyone can visit the woods, if they are not sheltered by a fence and keep out signs, of course. Not all areas are accessable. Private garderns are not as accessable as the woods. You need permission. But you have to look up the rules yourself. This is not an article about Allemansrätten. Soon enough I will be able to enjoy my own crocuses turning up one by one... all spring.
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