Be real - Var sann - poem - dikt
Summer 2016 I wrote this poem:
"Tell me all your secrets,
tell me all your lies, 
tell me all those things you no longer wish to hide,
tell me all those troubles on your mind,
all you wish to no longer hide,
tell me now,
tell me then
tell me when,
I want to listen,
to the inner you,
that is true,
I want to understand,
the inner you that is true,
I want to experience,
the one inside of you,
I am true when I say all these things to you,
be real,
the real you,
all that you have inside,
tell me for real,
tell me,
so I understand all the troubles on your mind,
tell me, 
what you wish to understand,
Perhaps I don't know the answers,
but together we can try,
to go on a conquest,
to relase you from all the troubles on your mind,
to make you no longer pretend,
to make you more true,
to all the feelings inside of you,
relase the true you,
the inner core of you,
so you may experience,
the essence of you,
wherest you no longer pretend,
where you are true to the inner core of you,
living in the present,
being true to the human being inside of you"
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