This poem,I wrote, in spring 2016:
"Playing all day,
if I could I would,
play along with you,
and if we couldn't be in the same place,
we could text all day,
send images of fun,
have virtual fun all day,
we'd still be laughing all day,
as friends do,
I would take the fights for you,
just as real friends do,
we could improve the world,
together we could point out the way,
connecting dots all day,
making it all clearer,
let everyone see all the things that we can change,
the things that matter,
the things that really count,
the things that could improve the world,
we could change the world,
when doing one days work,
changing the world,
we could have our walks,
have our talks,
enjoy our space,
be natural,
see the beauty of the world,
a paradise,
just made for us,
enjoy nature,
see the world for what it is,
play and have fun,
we could,
have fun all day,
no matter weather,
we could have fun all day,
have a good day,
making a better world,
you and me together,
a better world for everyone,
a better world for everyone,
a change for the better..."
Copyright of materials, if nothing else is mentioned, belongs to Homestylist, ( You have no rights to copy, quote parts och complete text, poem, art, film or photo. You are free to watch and read here on my chosen media. You are free to link to this website. Thanks.SE- and EU-law is applicable when you enter this site.
Upphovsrätten för material, om inget anges, tillhör Homestylist, ( Du har inga rättigheter att kopiera bilder, text, dikt, film eller annat innehåll på min sida. Du får fritt titta på mina valda medier och du får fritt länka till dina hemsida. Tack på förhand. På denna site gäller Svenska lag och EU-lag, oavsett var du befinner dig.
Copyright belongs to Homestylist, Don't copy, quote or reuse my content in any way, not even parts of it. Respect my artist rights. Upphovsrätten tillhör mig, Homestylist, Kopiera inte, citera inte och återanvänd inte mitt material. Jag äger alla rättigheter, inte du. Du har inga rättigheter till mitt material. Inga alls.
Poem by Homestylist. All science fiction poems become reality in the nearby future. How sad for the big IT-companies that they are gonna vanish. None of the woken wants greedy, spycompanies anymore. Copyright belongs to Homestylist. You may never use, get inspired or use my work for educational or commercial purposes in any way. If you steal or get inspired you will get bad karma. If you believe in hell, you will get hell on Earth for your lifetime, if you don't respect my wishes. You have to leave my work alone. Here to rest for eternity.
Copyright belongs to Homestylist, Don't copy, quote or reuse my content in any way, not even parts of it. Respect my artist rights. Upphovsrätten tillhör mig, Homestylist, Kopiera inte, citera inte och återanvänd inte mitt material. Jag äger alla rättigheter, inte du. Du har inga rättigheter till mitt material. Inga alls. Du får inte inspireras att efterlikna koncept på något sätt. Du får dålig karma och kommer förföljas av onskans karma om du inte respekterar att du låter alla mina verk vila. Om du tror på helvetet, så räkna med helvetet på jorden.Mina verk får inte användas varken för att utbilda andra eller i kommersiella syften av någon annan än mig. Du är förbjuden att i alla former använda mina verk.